Tova’s Female Empowerment Retreat

Guest Reviews

"When women come together to bare their souls, support one another and celebrate their imperfect selves, something magical happens. Tova’s retreat was everything. Glorious, touching, life-affirming and most of all….fun! I laughed, I cried, I danced and I did it all with a bunch of amazing humans who I can now call my friends. THANK YOU for five of the most phenomenal days of my life."

Kate, June 2023

"Thank you thank you thank you! Never have a group of people had such an impact on my soul. How will I ever explain to anyone what we experienced this week?! You created fucking magic and I will never, ever forget it. Thank you. I will miss you all terribly."

Georgina, June 2023

"This week was incredible, the sisterhood and bonds that have been formed are priceless, Thank you for creating such a safe, fun and loving experience for us all!"

Karen, June 2023

"I was scared coming into the retreat full of women anw while I may not have built a connection with everyone I still learned something from the entire group."

Katrina, June 2023

“I had an experience of a lifetime. If someone is feeling a little lost in life and trying to find their way back then this is the experience for them. You picked the perfect group. I have never felt so supported and surrounded by such kindness in my life. We were at ease and judgement free. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity, booking this was my turning point in life.” 

Lauren, June 2023

“This was a dream! This came at a time when I really needed to be reminded of my power and value. Somehow this experience reminded me that I have value just as I am, and reminded me how complex and amazing we are as women.
The workshops were divine, but more than that, they set the stage for us all to learn, grow, and connect. I think the most valuable thing I am taking home with me is a tribe of women who are rooting for me from around the globe. Without knowing everything about me, and without history, these women loved, accepted and befriended me, and that was truly eye opening. I can’t express in words the magic that was created, and I will forever be grateful.”

Lacy, June 2023

“I love to see how what we experienced at the retreat actually has an impact on my everyday life and makes it more beautiful. Thank you for making this possible!”

Miriam, September 2023

“I don't think that there are adequate words to sum up the six days I spent in Portugal. Tova's Empowerment Retreat came at the perfect time, and was so much more than I could possibly have imagined. I can honestly say that it has changed my life and how I see myself. The workshops with Chiara and Tova were so well put together - they made you think, pushed you out of your comfort zone and set the perfect groundwork for personal growth. I am so indebted to both of them. I loved every single second - samba dancing, the boat trip, yoga and so many conversations with a group of amazing and inspiring women. There is nothing I would change, except for maybe making it twice as long! I have made life-long friends from this retreat and come away with a better and much kinder understanding of myself.  If you're thinking of it! You will not regret it.” 

Sarah, September 2023

“Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful , safe space. I am incredibly grateful to have been able to share the space with the most incredible women. I have learnt so much about myself and I’m feeling very empowered and positive about the future.”

Nathalie, September 2032

“Best week of my life that has changed me forever. Truly grateful to you Tova and chiara and all the amazing women helping us find our voice, feel the feels and embrace our bodies.“

Siohan, September 2023

“Tova´s  retreat was one of the best things I have done in my life! The Quinta is beautiful, the food is great, and Tova´s incredible team, made us feel safe and well cared for. And the best part; I got to know a group of amazing women, whom I now call friends.”

Trude, September 2023

“I’m incredibly grateful to have been a part of this amazing retreat. Witnessing the incredible transformations of these lovely women and the deep connections made over the course of five days has been truly remarkable. It has not only enriched their journey but also allowed me to rejuvenate both my body and soul, My cup is full.”

Faye, (Staff, Wellness and Support), September 2023

“What can I say? This retreat has been so much more than I could have imagined, I feel renewed. Many have mentioned the phrase, my cup is full, but actually my take is a little different. Before attending, my cup was already full, overflowing in fact, with thoughts and tasks. The word burnout is possibly over used but for me it was real. I had started to wake gasping for air, overcome with anxiety in the mornings . Enter Tova’s retreat. From the moment we arrived, to the final wave goodbye the whole experience was expertly crafted to support us all individually and as a group. Tova was an integral part of the workshops, conversations and just our general retreat life. Yes, I was a little apprehensive beforehand at the thought of spending my time with 16 strangers, all women at that, not something I have done before, but from the moment of booking I recognised that this was going to be special. Each workshop and moment was tailored to allow each of us to get the most from it, it was a journey of curiosity and reflection, guided by our own individual limits and Tova’s support and clear vision. Chiara is an incredible addition to the team too, her intuition and passion took the experience to another level. And whilst what happens on retreat stays on retreat, I am shouting about one thing. I feel changed. My cup, once spilling over with stress and worry, is now empty. It is no exaggeration to say that I feel freed. It is clear this is not a retreat formed to make money. It is a moving part in a much bigger revolution. It should be available on prescription. Overall if you are thinking of applying just do. You will find yourself supported in ways you didn’t think you needed, nourished, nurtured and safe. It could just be the best “fuck it” decision you ever make.”

Nicole, September 2023

“I loved the retreat. It was like nothing I could have ever imagined, it was like an awakening of so many things and to be honest I’m still processing the whole thing - I think it will take some time to fully appreciate it all. Chiara was like a heavenly being that was able to meet all of our needs and more - I can imagine she needs a good holiday now!I laughed, I cried, I danced, I swam, I was embraced by the most beautiful group of women I could have ever have wished to have met!”

Suzi, September 2023

“Sisterhood, women empowerment, vulnerability, strength, inner peace. Women together are a true force of nature. Feeling so grateful.”

Alona, September 2023

“What an amazing and dare I say, life changing experience! Thank you to Tova and your team and all my new friends.”

Monica, September 2023

“This retreat ripped my soul open exposed parts of myself that I don’t nourish. Now that I’ve stopped crying hahahaha, I wanted to reach out amd tell you that you’ve chanhed my life. You have impacted the essence of who i am.

Thank you for your kindness, understanding and encourangement. I am forver grateful fo what you have given me.”

Anonymous, September 2023

“It was Tova who brought us together but the connections wouldn’t have happened without the safe space that Tova, Chiara and the rest of team created. The workshops and activities were interesting, fun and sometimes challenging but that meant we could all take something away wherever we were in our journey. The location was amazing and I definitely wasn’t ready to leave but I am so glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

Hanna, September 2023