Pranamat Eco Review


Those of you who have been following me for a while will know what a big fan I am of the Pranamat ECO Massage Sets and you may even already know why I started using them initially but I wanted to take you back a little and give you some background. 

For those who don't know what the Pranamat  ECO Massage Sets (big mat+mini mat+pillow) are - they help with back pain, headaches, stress, anxiety and low energy levels.

When I first heard these claims I did not believe them but as it happened I was totally blown away by how effective they are. Okay, rewind now to 15 years ago. When I first came to London I worked as a waitress and bartender for a couple of years while I was saving money for university and while I was a student. We are talking about working on my feet for eight hour shifts and I honestly think it was that time in my life that totally messed up my back and gave me neck problems. The result was pain. a LOT OF IT. On top, I had suffered from migraines my entire life since being a teenager. They got worse as I grew older and I seem to get them once a month around the same time I would get my period - fun! Anyway, cut back to two years ago - going to physio and acupuncture was a regular thing for me to manage the pain. I spent a lot of money on treatments and although they did help me, the effects never lasted and I had to get treatments regularly. 

And then one day I saw a friend of mine use them on her instagram story and I was curious. 

You see a lot of ads on social media, I think it's hard to know what's for real and what's not, but as someone who had tried everything it felt like I had nothing to lose so I gave it a shot. I remember when the set first arrived I thought I would never be able to lay on it because it is soooo spiky! So I put it aside and forgot all about it until a few days later I got a migraine. If you suffer from migraines then you will know that nothing helps once you have one. The only thing to do is sleep it off and hope it's not one of those migraines that's going to last for days. But for some reason on that day I decided to lay on my Pranamat mat and pillow. Twenty minutes later I sat up miagrin free and utterly speechless. The pain was gone. Completely gone. It was like magic and this is no lie!

I have been using the mat and pillow ever since and apart from it totally sorting out my headaches it has completely transformed my neck. I have stopped getting physio and acupuncture and can use it at any time in the comfort of my own house! I know it seems a little pricey but if you are like me and spend money on treatments this will 100% save you a fortune! It's worth it!! I can't recommend it enough and I know it may sound too good to be true but as they have a 30 day refund policy what you could do is try for yourself and see what you think. 

So many in my community have already tried it and so far the feedback has been positive. I Love the range of colors, the fact that they ship worldwide and that it's washable. If you are a newbie and feel it's too strong, start with a t- shirt and work your way up to using it with an exposed back. If you can use it daily that's good but even just once a week is great! And the best thing is that you literally don't have to do anything but lay there and enjoy and let it do all the work for you!   

People often ask me how it differs from cheaper versions available on the market - well I tried those mats and you simply can't compare.  Pranamat ECO is a massage set of the highest quality. It's spikey lotus flowers are the best. It’s made from 100% green materials: linen, cotton, coconut fiber, buckwheat hulls and low-emission HIPS plastic. A lot of the cheaper versions fall apart after a few uses and they do not feel as nice against your body. It's one of those things that is worth spending that extra money on but you know you're getting something that's going to last. 

I've been using the sets for over two years now and I've gifted sets to my family and friends.