
This image was taken exactly two years ago on my 40'th birthday. We went to Vegas for 5 nights (which actually ended up being 4 nights cos we missed our flight), and it was the first time we had gone away without the kids for that long. I can't even tell you how much this trip saved our marriage.

We were coming up to 2.5 years since having the twins, possibly the hardest time in my life and our marriage was on the rocks to say the least. Having three kids in the space of two years is no picnic and I found myself drifting further and further away from the man I married. I even couldn't remember what I loved about him, or what we had in common so when this trip, which was planned a year in advance came up, I nearly didn't go.

I remember saying to him that he should just go with a friend and that we should look into changing the tickets. I will never forget his reply. He said: "but I want to go with YOU" and I wondered WHY he felt that way and if I felt the same.

Eventually we took off, a day late after spending the night at a hotel by the airport which made us want this trip more (I mean let's face it, Holiday Inn is nice but Vegas is nicer, right?).

It was strange at first, having so much time together without the children and away from home. I sat across him one evening when we were having dinner and found myself laughing and realized I had forgotten that he makes me laugh.

We remarried in an Elvis Chapel which will forever be one of the best nights of my life. Random, strange, hilarious and wonderfully awful is the best way to describe it. In short, it was perfect.

And before I knew it was time to got back home. Back to reality, the kids, the dishes and all.

We've had our ups and downs since that trip and I regularly feel like life is taking over again and like all I want to do is throw a shoe at him just for saying "good morning".

But then I look back at that trip, especially during the hard times (cos let's face it, every marriage has those), and I remind myself that when we were drunk, jet-lagged and kids free in Vegas, we had a hell of a time together! And that's something.