Women of 'Bearing Years' Shouldn't Drink Alcohol says WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has advised in the alcohol plan draft that women of "childbearing years" (18 to mid 40's) shouldn't drink alcohol because it may harm their chances of giving birth.

Their exact words were: “appropriate attention should be given to the prevention of the initiation of drinking among pregnant women and women of childbearing age” (the relevant section of the plan is on page 17 here.

If you fail to see the issue here let me explain it.

For one, the report fails to take into account women who are unable to have children and/or do not want them. It also fails to take into account those who have children and don't want any more. It effectively suggests that ALL women shouldn't drink for roughly 30 years just IN CASE they happen to fall pregnant.

Can you see the issue now?

This draft has been called archaic, sexist and discriminating - and personally I agree. Apart from the obvious - why the hell should a woman who is NOT pregnant and/or trying to get pregnant not drink?! What bothers me more than anything is the patronizing attitude towards women. I think everyone knows why drinking while pregnant is not a good idea. Drinking heavily throughout pregnancy can cause a baby to develop a serious condition called foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). And even drinking heavily on single occasions, may be associated with lesser forms of FAS.

I also understand that while trying to get pregnant you might still be drinking and that might not be the best thing to do, after all, alcohol risks to unborn babies, especially in the first trimester, are known and I don't think anyone will argue that. But is it just me or does it feel like women are often treated like airhead baboons that need someone (a man most likely) to tell us what to do with our bodies otherwise we are bound to make the wrong choice?

Why are women not trusted? Why do people think it's better to take away our freedoms just to be on the safe side rather than trust we will do the right thing? What struck me as odd is how in their 37 pages long report they used the words 'raise awareness', 'encourage' and 'educate' several times while referring to the general public and decision maker, and then they used the words "prevention" when referring to children, adolescents and women.

While the general public and decision makers are trusted that with the right encouragement and information they will do the right thing, women do not get the same respect. When it comes to women, prevention is the way forward because women are just not capable of making informed decisions about themselves so let’s just make those for them.

That pretty much says it all.

There is obviously a massive issue with personal freedom, there is an issue of discrimination on the basis of gender, but most importantly - it highlights our society's attitude towards women. Women are still viewed as nothing more than vessels. Baby making machines with one purpose alone and that is to carry pregnancies and make babies. Literally valued by their 'potential' rather than their will or actual ability.

I listened to an interview where a WHO representative explained what they meant and in my opinion their explanation falls short. They said they merely suggested "appropriate attention" and that can be interpreted in many ways. But that's not really the point, is it?

WHO as a medical body has no real ability to prevent anyone from drinking, that's why it's suggesting other bodies (governments perhaps?) examine what's in their ability to do to "prevent" women from drinking. And even if there was no real call for action here and just a very unfortunate use of words, it still reveals a lot as to how women are viewed and what their primary role is in the world according to WHO.

I would like to believe the draft was worded badly and that the final version will be clearer, even though from what I have heard they don't think they said anything wrong. While I agree that we should all probably drink a little less (pregnant or not pregnant) and for sure would not like to advocate reckless drinking at any point, I feel real rage at this draft which make me want to drink just to prove a point.