Big 'O' issues

confession / plea for your sagely wisdom: I have been with my boyfriend over a year and never had ‘the big O’ with him. Ever. I have tried all manner of things to make things exciting and still nothing. We’re both young - 20 and 21, can’t help but resent a bit sometimes that my best boob years are being spent on someone who’s started to ignore them during foreplay and barely reciprocates what can I do? Otherwise we have a great relationship

Anonymous submission

Frisky and risky

So i went to a party with some girl friends and met these guys(they had matching nick names and cars) but hey they were hot so not. We get each others numbers and go on our way. Couples days later i agree to hang out and play classic video games. We get there and he says lets watch a movie and get frisky witch i said no. So what does he do. Go into his dresser and pulls out a RING and hands it to me saying i bought this for you. Alarms going off now so. I get a assucse to leave and he says ill drive but we have to pick up a friends first ..... Witch really meant ill take you on a drug deal and talk about the girls we will bag at the club tonight with said friend!

Submitted by Kristina

Coffee gate

So our family doctor wants my husband to alter his diet a bit and that includes cutting out caffeine and my husband was like “no I can taste the difference if I drink decaf” so he continued to drink his morning coffee but this week, I bought the decaf version of his coffee (switched it without him knowing lol) and it’s been four days and all I’ve gotten out of him was “gosh this coffee is good”

Anonymous submission

Naughty in the office

Husband and I both say we have to work when what we are really doing is getting it on. Our office (both work from home) is up in the loft so we often stick the kids in front of the TV and say we have some calls to make. It's like having naughty sex in the office and I won't lie we do it on the desk and fax machine too (okay, it's a little printer but you get the idea) with the fear of the kids coming in it does help the excitement. being married for 15 year can be boring, a girl's gotta do what a girl's got to do!

Submitted by Terry

Brownies for grown-ups

I was going to make some brownies for my toddler and other half last week then I thought about the stressful awful week I'd had and baked half the batch as weed brownies and kept them hidden for myself... sorry, not sorry!

Anonymous submission

How not to treat good neighbours

So I’ve always been on friendly terms with my neigbour we say hi and stuff when we see each other and they got my son Christmas gifts. Anyway back in May I was convinced I heard them celebrating the start of Ramadan in there garden one night. So I thought about what I could do for them as a kind gesture. I looked online and found out you can send food hampers so that’s what I did. Turned up at the door with a box full of goodies turns out they are Sikh and so they don’t even celebrate it!! The lady was lovely and said I wouldn’t of known. Still felt like an uneducated idiot It was just her son and his friends hanging out in the garden. So here’s me stood there with this big box wanting the floor to open sweating and shaking like mad. The lady says what a lovely thought it was and the only way she could accept is if I take something back so in the mist of panicking Instead of taking something shit like the cooking oil I take the nice chocolate and run. That just made things worse. They've now moved not saying if it’s because of the hamper situation or not.

Submitted by Becky