Till Death Do Us Pod Episode 3 - National Orgasm Day & the 12 types of Orgasms

International Day of the Female Orgasm is celebrated annually on 8th August, a week after National Orgasm Day. Now, there is no bad time to have an orgasm but only one in three women achieves an orgasm during sex! That is just awful so we are going to look at the 12 types of female orgasm – yes you read that right, there are 12 types of orgasm and we hope that this info will help you achieve your ‘woah’ moment.

Spotify Link - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5YKA1qXstX4DiUtGqvPZC4

iTunes Link - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/till-death-do-us-pod-s3-episode-3-national-orgasm-day/id1449587652?i=1000487040827