Embrace Your Inner Slut

The video of this guy đŸ‘†đŸ» saying “men don’t want slutty women” has popped up on my Tik Tok several times now and I’ve seen many people react to it. I know he probably posted it to grab peoples attention to grow his page, but the topic of “slut shaming” is important and it’s a great opportunity to discuss woman's sexuality, so here are my two cents: Women's sexuality has been controlled by men for generations. In fact, women’s sexuality was only recognised for a long time in a male pleasure context. In other words, it did not exist unless a man was in the room and a man was telling the story. Women had to choose what role they wanted to play (sometimes they did not have a choice) - we were either to be mothers and wives, virtuous virgins, and only express the right amount of sexuality if and when it pleased men OR we paid a price. Disrespect, name calling, shaming, abuse, loss of work sometimes even death all came with the territory for women who were sexuality liberated.

The words “slut” described a woman who was free from society’s expectations of women when it comes to our sexuality and was used to keep women in line. It was a way to shame women and control them. Slut shaming is of course also hypocritical - while straight men have not only been allowed to be promiscuous while women haven’t, their sexual freedoms, conquests, flirtatious nature and sexual appetites have been celebrated. It’s the ultimate double standards between men and women.

Sadly some people still have these archaic beliefs which is why talking about women’s sexuality and pleasure is important. Our sexuality has NOTHING to do with our partners. We own it, it’s ours to do what we please with, explore and express it as we wish, we have a right to it as human beings and rather than try to enforce a sexist and chauvinistic approach on women and girls, I think it’s high time we educate boys and men to realise that sexuality is normal FOR EVERYONE, not just men. In short, embraced your inner slut ladies, I know I do 😜 #women #love #tovaleigh