Feminism Explained In 60 Seconds

I came across the first video on Tik Tok and I decided to reply to this creator to set the record straight about feminism. But first a confession: I remember having similar opinions about feminism when I was younger. Shocking, right? Maybe not so shocking considering I was taught from an early age that ‘feminists are bra burning, man hating old shrews’. I believed the above because I didn’t know any better and also because I wanted male approval. I could see that they were the decision makers so I wanted a seat at their table, and I thought the way to get it was by not being “like all the other girls”. The truth is I looked down at feminists and I almost convinced myself that it was a CHOICE I was making.

Of course what was presented to me was an impossible choice - be a feminist and be hated, ridiculed, never get married and die alone surrounded by cats. It did not sound appealing. As the years went by I educated myself on the feminist movement and I came to see how all of the above was a lie. A conspiracy theory meant to keep women in their place and fighting with each other. That’s why I am not mad at this creator, though I do see the irony in her opinions ;-) My goal is not to shame her but rather encourage her to consider that Women (and men) can be lots of things. Feminine, masculine, love the colour pink (and blue and yellow), great at DIY, at sawing, cooking, changing tires, or rubbish at all of the above, love kids, hate kids, smart, ditsy, modest, wild, tamed, soft, bold, sensitive, loud, big, small, strong, empathetic, sexy, enjoy domestic chores, hate domestic chores, career orientated, brave, love or hate makeup, shy, confident etc etc etc.

You can literally be whatever you want and still be a feminist. And of course, you can choose to not be a feminist too (but at least know what it is before you reject it). Feminism is not what you wear or what hobbies you have - it’s about advocation for equality and choice. It’s about creating a world in which we choose whatever works for us (even if it is to not be a feminist) and people respect it. We’re not there yet, but we’re working on it ❤️