Gender Data Gap

Have you heard of the GENDER DATA GAP? It's basically a 'one size fits all' approach of collecting data when usually the 'one size' is a male size that doesn't take females into account. The result of this approach is a lack of female perspective and representation which can sometimes just mean a bit of discomfort (when things are too big like mobile phones or waiting longer to access public toilets), sometimes actual danger (like when medication doesn't work), and generally speaking further widening of the gender gap. You see, if men are the default in our society, if they are taken to represent everyone, and women are seen as abnormal - how can this world be planned for women if we are not even taken into account? What's worth noting is that most of the time we don't even see it. The fact that this bias has been a reality for such a long time and can be found in many fields means we THINK it makes sense. We have overtime accepted the narrative that the average man represents all humans. It's so deeply rooted in our psyche, even our language supports it (#MANkind). And as a result women are not only put at risk, but also are left behind. I put this video together to give you examples and highlight the importance of this topic but to be honest there is so much more to say. If you want to know more I strongly recommend you read 'INVISIBLE WOMEN' by Caroline Criado Perez who has documented the gender data gap in many fields and explains it far better than I do. I am linking her book in my stories and if you Google her you'll find lots of brilliant talks she's given on the matter filled with examples from the world of technology, medicine and more. Please share your thoughts below and make sure you #women #genderdatagap