Stop calling it 'Pro Life'

Following the decision in Texa$ to ban ab0rti0ns after 6 weeks, I want to talk about the terms being used to describe these types of laws and explain why they are so misleading. In my opinion, the terminology is part of the problem. When a legislator wants to lock up w0men (and/or even worse) for their decision to end a pr3pnancy, then you know that these laws are not about being pr0 life, or anti ch0ice, or even anti ab0rti0m.... they are one thing, and one thing alone - anti w0men. Not convinced? watch the video, I will prove it in less than 5 minutes. Please note that these laws that are slowly taking away more and more rights from w0men are not a glitch in the system, they are part of a worldwide trend that is impacting women everywhere. Poland, T3sa$, Andorra, Malta etc (all places that ban ab0rtions altogether) may seem far and like they have nothing to do with you, but please consider that even in the UK w0men's r3pr0ductive rights are on the chopping board. That's right, in the coming months the UK Government will be deciding on the future of at-home ab0rti0ns. Withdrawing of these measures will roll back women’s rights and force as many as 293 women a day back into waiting rooms during the biggest crisis our NHS has ever faced. All the above to satisfy "anti ab0rti0n" campaigners at the cost of the most vulnerable w0men (either shielding and or in abusive relationships) who need it the most. Not because they value life above all, but because they have such disregard towards w0men. It's happening right now ladies, it is not a drill, it’s not made up or exaggerated and it’s not just about T3sa$. So make some noise before it's too late
