Trigger Warning - Abortions (part two)

If you are anti abortion, this video is not against you. Whatever your opinion is, I am on your side! A few days ago Amy Coney Barrett, age 48, was sworn into the supreme court of America as the youngest judge to ever hold this high position. This was a political victory for President Donald Trump a week before the presidential election, as it seals for the foreseeable future (these appointments are for life) a 6-3 conservative majority on the top US judicial body. I am not going to get into the politics behind this because I am not American and it is super complicated, but let's just say she might end up deciding the upcoming elections and all I ask from my beloved American followers is - GO AND VOTE on November 3rd! And if you are wondering what all of this has to do with abortions, well then Barrett is anti abortion, and everyone, no matter where they are in the world, should be very worried. You see, last week a law effectivly banning abortions was passed in Poland and I am pretty sure many people felt it was irrelevant to them because it wasn't happeneing in their part of the world. Well I think it's safe to say that now we should ALL be worried as that scenario is almost very likely to happen in the United States, following Barrett's confirmation. This is not an exaggeration, it is a real possibility, and I am sure many American women are petrified which is why we have to be vocal about it, even if it does not affect us directly. Yet. On a personal note I would like to add that while last week's video started a conversation, it still focused on two opposing sides: life OR choice which is a conversation that leads nowhere. I encourage you to try and avoid falling into the trap of having to choose. Ask yourself what's really behind it? What do those who demand we choose have to gain? And who are the biggest losers when we 'the people' are so divided? Let me know what you think in the comments (abusive comments will be deleted and people who are here to hate will be blocked). Hugs to you all, Tova x #women #abortion #love