A YEAR IN LOCKDOWN (part one) Lockdown Libido

I’ve been filming this for the past few months. I wanted to document life in lockdown and focus on a few aspects of it. In this first part of my new online documentary - A YEAR N LOCKDOWN - I talk about relationships and libido. Apparently 30% of people report a decline in libido and a negative effect this past year has had on their relationship with their partners. Personally I think the real number is higher than that I and would love to hear what your experience has been? As always my hope is that opening the door to what might be a bit difficult topic to talk about might help others going through the same thing. Please know that if you have been struggling you’re not along and nothing is wrong with you. This year has been such a struggle for so many reasons, we are all doing our best and should allow ourselves to feel what we feel without adding pressure and judgment. Please check out the article I wrote for Stella Magazine on this topic at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/lockdown-has-killed-libido-dont-even-care/ And please let me know if you enjoyed this type of longer format content?