Sorry to go on and on about Kim Kardashian micro thong (last time I promise), but after watching a few Tik Toks from teenage girls saying how “ugly” and “gross” they think their downstairs bits are, I realise there is another issue we need to discuss. Let me start by saying - whether you like a big massive bush down there or bald as a baby is your choice. But for the sake of anyone out there (especially young girls) who have felt pressured to trim/laser/ and even surgically modify, I’d like to share a few thoughts of the topic and highlight the possible connection between the expectation that women’s bodies be hairless and misogyny. I’d like to also mention that if you are offended by female anatomy you should probably avoid watching this video. I won’t be surprised if this video gets blocked or even removed, women’s issues seem to not meet “community standards” these days and even Barbie herself covered up just in case. But hopefully this video will reach those who need to see it. Would love to hear your thoughts ladies! Do you groom? What’s the main reason you do it? Have you ever felt pressured to present your garden in a certain way? I know it’s personal but you’re on my page, what did you expect?!